The workshop instructor works through slides related to using AI in marketing, including posing the question shown on a white board: what part of your work do you find most repetitive or time-consuming?

AI As a Partner in Marketing

Our core programming at WorkWell provides young people with training in tech and English language skills, to prepare them for the modern workforce.

In addition to our core courses, we’re able to leverage our expertise in tech platforms to create custom courses and workshops for groups, businesses and organizations.

AI for Creative Solutions is a great example. We were asked if we could put together a workshop that covered the potential use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in business. We covered design thinking, crafting a compelling business pitch, identifying essential elements for success, and understanding the critical role of data in driving business operations.

A participant in our custom AI for Marketing workshop asks a question while her colleagues look on.

Used well, AI is a tool that is being deployed to streamline workflows, master targeted ads, and help businesses and freelancers alike make a digital impact. It can stretch budgets and client investment farther by taking care of routine tasks and sparking solutions. 

We’re excited to help our entrepreneur-minded neighbors grow their toolboxes of skills. If you are interested in a future course, contact us at

Part of understanding how AI can assist in marketing tasks is understanding potential marketing platforms. The workshop instructor steps through Google's advertising options.

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