Equipping Young Entrepreneurs for the Legal Side of Business
When starting any new business venture, there are aspects that most people find fun: brainstorming product ideas, coming up with branding and marketing concepts, troubleshooting initial growing pains.
But there are also essential requirements that most people don’t find as fun: business registration, and navigating tax and social security regulations. Like any other region, Kurdistan has particular requirements for businesses to operate legally.
Sometimes new entrepreneurs, especially of small businesses, ignore the legalities required for operation because the processes seem too complex.
It doesn’t have to be that way.
We conducted a three-day training workshop for aspiring entrepreneurs, to equip participants with the tools they need to establish and manage their ventures successfully, in partnership with The FOUNDATION. We covered all the essentials connected to business registration, filing systems, and navigating tax and social security regulations, and more in robust Q & A sessions.
If you’re interested in a future course, contact us at info@work-well.org